HomeServer / FacilityServer - Part 3 - Free HTML visualisations
Online-seminar in the virtual classroom
Part 3: HomeServer / FacilityServer - Free HTML visualisations
In addition to the HomeServer QuadClient visualisation in day/night design, the Gira HomeServer and the Gira FacilityServer also offer the option of realising your own visualisation ideas. Also the possibility of realising one's own visualisation ideas. This is possible in two levels of complexity and freedom.
In this online seminar you will learn how to "tailor" visualisations for your customers parallel to the QuadClient. All solutions can be run in parallel. The seminar also addresses the possibilities of linking the solutions.
Even if you intend to use QuadClient visualisation exclusively in the long term, this seminar will enable you to
you will get a useful look at the bigger picture and helpful information on Smart Building complete solutions with the Gira HomeServer / FacilityServer.
This seminar is part of the HomeServer online seminar series:
Part 1: HomeServer / FacilityServer - Basis
Part 2: HomeServer / FacilityServer - Visualisation Gira-Interface (QuadClient)
Part 3: HomeServer / FacilityServer - Free HTML visualisations
Part 4: HomeServer / FacilityServer - Logic and alarms
Part 5: HomeServer / FacilityServer - IP communication and networking of systems
Online seminar in English!
(Seminar language: english)
Design of an HTML visualisation with status displays, switching commands and value entries.
Own dynamic texts and symbols
Integration of HomeServer certificates in the browser/TLS
Scenes and sequences
Linking QuadClient free visualisation
Creation of an HTML-5 visualisation by a web developer
Linking with an HTML-5 visualisation externally and or operated on the HomeServer
Target groups
Electrical installers
System integrators
Planning engineers
Electrical wholesale
Headset and PC with internet connection or tablet with installed Microsoft™ Teams™ App.
Basic knowledge of KNX is required
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SC Networks GmbH
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Levensduur van de cookies:12 maanden
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